Test Preparation Assistance (English and Entrance Exams)

College Entrance Exams (SAT/ACT)

JJMG Enterprises provides focused one-on-one tutoring to help students succeed on their SAT or ACT exams for college.  Our members have years of experience helping students improve their scores, and many have Ivy League or equivalent educations.  We also have published our own vocabulary books which may help in your preparation.

SSAT Exam:

If you’re looking to attend boarding school, we provide guidance on the SSAT (upper) exam, and have even written some of our own books on this material.  Our team has helped many students improve their SSAT score, which has helped them gain admissions to exceptional boarding schools.

GMAT Exam for Business School:

If the one roadblock to attending your dream business school is your GMAT score, we can gladly help you improve.  Our teachers have successfully helped many students raise their GMAT scores which, in turn, have helped open doors to stellar business school programs.

GRE Exam:

If your goal is a master’s program, PhD program, or certain business schools who require a GRE exam, we are here to train you.  Our mentors have received top-notch GRE scores and can help you improve your verbal and quantitative scores.


JJMG Enterprises is ready to help connect you with first-class English tutoring to help you achieve the scores you need.  Our English teachers and affiliates are passionate about language development and have track records of proven results.

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